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Coax Choke Balun, Air Balun, Ugly Balun, Air Choke
Ugly Choke - building an Ugly Choke or an "air Balun" for Ham radio - Amateur radio easy 101
Building an Air Choke or "Ugly Balun"
Air Choke Balun - AKA An Ugly Balun
"Ugly" of "Coax" Baluns - John Portune W6NBC - September 2021
The ugly balun, what is it and why do we need it?
Designing Coiled Coax Ugly Baluns
Understanding RF Chokes for Antennas
Make Yourself a Cheap and Effective Ham Radio Choke Balun for 20m - 10m
(How) does an RF choke work, is it needed and how to make an effective one
Choke Balun
Effect of the MFJ-915 Choke Balun (#304)